Thursday, February 21, 2013

Burp Cloths

A little over a year ago I was at a friend's baby shower and some of the cutest gifts she received were hand-sewn.  This inspired me to start researching some baby items to make.  I am definitely in the stage of life where friends are having babies at least once a month, so I thought it would be fun to start some projects and have items on hand for baby gifts. 

I came across this blog:

And this is what I came up with!

Since I'm not yet a mom, I'm not sure what size of burp cloth or fabric would be best, but the mom in the blog I read swears by these. One side of the burp cloth is a reusable baby diaper, so it absorbs really well, great for all of those projectile spit ups! The other side is the pretty side, made from flannel so that it will stick better to your shoulder when burping. 

This is the start of my stash for baby gifts.  Stay tuned for some other fun baby projects that I'm going to be trying out!

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