Monday, July 14, 2014

Long overdue update and some exciting news!

I believe my last post was about 8 months ago -where has time gone?!?!  My husband and I have had lots of changes since then!  The last time we posted, I didn't realize that we had a little one on the way.  Now we are 4 days overdue and I'm trying to wait patiently for our little "jelly bean" to arrive!

We found out we were pregnant around November 20th.  After our first doctor's appointment, our due date was determined to be July 10th.  At our first ultrasound, our little baby was very active and looked like a jumping jelly bean, so our little one has been nicknamed "Jelly Bean" or "JB" ever since.  We decided to wait on finding out the gender and we are very anxious to find out any day now whether we will be raising our first child a boy or girl:)  Here is our baby waving to us at our 12-week appointment:

The last couple of months have been nothing short of exciting.  We sold our 2 bedroom condo and bought a 5 bedroom house - we figured JB needed a little more space:)  We closed on the new house June 30th, so it was a mad rush to get the nursery in order.  With the help of some family and friends, we are now as settled as we need to be for JB's arrival and can't wait to bring JB home.  And with an extra weekend waiting for JB, we've really been able to get through more boxes and items than we thought we would prior to arrival.  Here we are in front of our new house:

At my doctor appointment 2 weeks ago, the doctor did an ultrasound to make sure there was enough fluid in the sac, and all was well!  It was a bonus to have an ultrasound so late in the pregnancy and we got to see what JB looks like!  The nurse warned us we have a chubby-cheeked baby on the way!

We took a picture on the morning of my due date before heading to work.  This was the day we have been anticipating for so long. The day came and went, but at least we finally got a good belly pic!

And now we wait.  We have been so blessed this pregnancy as I've felt pretty good and haven't been very uncomfortable.  We can't wait to meet JB and raise this child and love on this child!  Until then, I will enjoy the peace and quiet of our new home and our last few hours or days (whatever it may be) of just husband and me spending quality one-on-one time with each other!

Hope to have an update for everyone soon!

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